Repo for, which is a collection of projects I've worked on in the past (or am currently working on).


When cloning don't forget to add submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Run server with:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up


Current services are:

  • analytics - Websocket analytics application with oauth login for Reddit.
  • music - Scrobble recent plays from foobar2000, and save them for analysis later.
  • vochuts - Really super simple hut booking application prototype for the UBC Outdoor Club (VOC)
  • flask - Super simple flask echo server.
  • ghost - Ghost blog - currently empty, but may move over posts from my old blog eventually.
  • nextcloud - Self hosted photos and static files for sharing.

Supporting cast:

  • caddy - Web server.
  • postgres - Preferred database.
  • redis - Data store for things like Channels and background tasks.

Discontinued services:

  • deluge

Server info

Currently hosted on a VPS with 1GB RAM, and 1 vCPU from a certain provider related to non-analogue maritime infrastructure.