SELECT Practice


You should have created a Google Cloud account, created a project, created and instance, created a database in that instance called 'admin', installed MySQL Workbench and made a connection to that database. In this lesson we will practice querying data.

Start by opening MySQL Workbench

Part 1 - Initialize data

In this repo you'll see another file called initialize.sql. This file contains SQL scripts to create a table called users and populate it with data. Follow these instructions to run the script in MySQL Workbench so that you populate data in your GoogleCloud Database!!

  • In MySQL Workbench, make sure you've selected the "admin" database as your default schema (as per the name of the DB you created following the textbook.)

  • Create a new query tab

    • Click the button on the top left that has a SQL file with a "plus" icon on it
  • Click the folder icon in your query tab to open a new file

  • Search for "311_wk3_day1_db_select" in your file explorer/finder window and select the "initialize.sql" script that lives in this repo

  • When you do you'll see the scripts from this 'initialize.sql' file populate in your MySQL Workbench!!!!

  • Click the lightning bolt icon to run the query

  • If you get an error: 1046: Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double-clicking its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar. Select your 'admin' schema as your default so MySQL workbench knows what connection to use.

  • If you refresh your schemas you should see a "users" table

Part 2 - Query data

We are going to run a couple SQL queries. As you do, copy/paste the query as the answers to the following questions.

Also, put the answers in the "Query Responses" section of this README.

NOTE: The query instructions are intentionally written in plain english. It's up to you to translate that into a SELECT statement.

  1. Select all fields from users where the city equals Chicago

  2. Select the "state" field for users with a first name of "Glory"

  3. Select all fields from users whose phone1 starts with "773"

Query Responses

    • How many rows were returned: 7
    • First name of the first user: Mitsue select * from users where city='Chicago';
    • How many rows were returned: 2
    • What states do they live in: MD, TX select state from users where first_name='Glory';
    • How many rows were returned: 6
    • What's the last email on the list: select * from users where phone1 LIKE '773%';


Think about how this data is laid out. Feel free to look in the initialize.sql file to see the raw data.

  • Do you think it would be easier or harder to search through this data manually or using SQL?
  • What about when the dataset gets larger?