
A guide to best practices when using the Arduino IDE to program AVR microcontrollers

Primary LanguageC++

Best Practices, Notes and Guidance

for programming AVRs with Arduino IDE


Status: Most important/relevant terms, I think, present.
Covers terms used in this and other documents I've written about AVR parts for Arduino, as well as terms common in Arduino

Status: Mostly incomplete, some sections useful, many others absent or incomplete.

Status: Not organized or indexed, and not many items covered yet.
Notes on specific hardware design decisions, one per file.

Status: Severely incomplete, not useful yet!
Guidance for Arduino troubleshooting

Status: Doesn't exist yet, some content written but elsewhere currently.
A quick overview of various peripherals and accomplishing common tasks using them.

Status: Mostly not complete, some thoughts on part selection present.
Choosing microcontroller and core, things like that