Install instructions for linux:

1.	Copy all of the files located in the Files folder to the Bin directory.
2.	Edit the file
3.	Substitute your information on line number 7 ($BIN/ --user YOURNESTACCOUNTUSERNAMEHERE --password YOURNESTACCOUNTPASSWORDHERE away $1) and save the file.
4.	Edit the file
5.	Substitute your information on line number 10  ($BIN/ --devices DEVICEIPSHERE --offpeakstart 23:00 --offpeakend 06:30 --grace 1 --check-every 1 --notify $BIN/ --verbose) and save the file.
6.	To manually execute the program run ./

To set up auto startup and running in the background:

1.	Install Screen if its not already installed
2.	Edit the file /etc/rc.local
3.	Add the line (su - ACCOUNTUSERNAME -c "screen -dmS test bash -c '/bin/; exec bash’”) replacing ACCOUNTUSERNAME
4.	Reboot the computer
5.	To see if the script has started run the command ’screen -list’ then ‘screen -r’