
Primary LanguageHTML

RaspberryPi b8kery

k3s version here:


Raspbernetes version here:


TBDoc - stuff completed that needs to be retro-doc'd into this repo:

  * do a delete on these:
    kubectl apply -f manifests/ingress-alertmanager.yaml
    kubectl apply -f manifests/ingress-prometheus.yaml
    kubectl apply -f manifests/ingress-grafana.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ./grafana-service.yaml
  * Do upgrade process here to migration from stable/nginx-ingress to nginx-ingress/nginx-ingress
    * helm uninstall (check that svc grabbing 200.1 IP also deleted...?
    * helm install of nginx-ingress/nginx-ingress
      * use form of install with defaultBackend.enabled=true
      * check ip allocation for default svc
    * redo monitoring yamls above