The following is a guide and script for a twitter scraper using the The Twitter API, Twurl, and Node. After scouring the internet for an easy solution and many failed attempts I decided to make one. The script will scrape through a twitter user's profile and store them in 20.json files, each file holding a json object of up to 200 tweets. You can then write a simple scrip in JavaScript to extract the tweets from the JSON objects. The example below extracts the last 3200 tweets from @realDonaldTrump.
Note: The API only allows for the last 3200 tweets from a users timeline.
See the Twitter API Docs for more information.
The full github repo.
PS: If you're interested, the reason I created this was for a web app I am making using Brain.js, a neural network written in javascript. I trained a neural network with tweets to verify if a tweet was writen by President Trump or Prime Minister Trudeau. I could only bare to copy and paste the last 50 tweets from each author and the results were good, but I wanted better. Thus, came the need for more data!
Linux or macOS
Twurl $ brew install twurl
Node $ brew install node
Twitter Dev Account
Open up terminal run:
$ twurl authorize --consumer-key [KEY] --consumer-secret [SECRET]
Replace [KEY] and [SECRET ]with your consumer-key and consumer-secret respectively. Your consumer-key and consumer-secret can be found at under Keys and Acces tokens
NOTE: keep your consumer secret SECRET never publish it anywhere, especially not online.
You will then be prompted with a link to copy and paste into your browser. This is just to authenticate you into the twitter API.
Copy and paste the given code into your terminal.
👍 You should now be authenticated into twurl.
If you get stuck click here for instructions on getting Twurl set up.
Getting Started
Open up terminal
cd into/the/directory/of your porject
# Run thse first 6 lines to get the initial value of the max tweet id.
# Their functionality ia explained in the for loop.
printf "var trump0 = " >> json/trump0.js;
twurl "/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=realDonaldTrump&include_rts=false&count=200" >> json/trump0.js;
printf ";" >> json/trump0.js;
printf "\n" >> json/trump0.js;
printf "console.log( ( trump0[ trump0.length - 1].id) - 1 );" >> json/trump0.js;
MAXID="$(node json/trump0)";
# Loop 20 times, usually only need 15+/- though
for i in {1..20}
# Print a JavaScript variable
printf "var trump$i = " >> json/trump$i.js;
# Twitter API call using twurl
# Variables in the request are:
# screen_name= the screen name of the user (no @)
# include_rts= include retweets (true/false)
# count= tweets to request (200 max, including retweets) if only 151 get returned, that means there were 49 retweets
# max_id= return only tweets up to a max tweet_id stored in the $MAXID variable
twurl "/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=realDonaldTrump&include_rts=false&count=200&max_id=$MAXID" >> json/trump$i.js;
# close the variable
printf ";" >> json/trump$i.js;
# skip a line
printf "\n" >> json/trump$i.js;
# write a console.log so that when you run node app later, it will display the ID of the last tweet minus 1
printf "console.log( trump$i[trump$i.length-1].id - 1);" >> json/trump$i.js;
# store the value of the last tweet minus 1 in a variable for the next call
MAXID="$(node json/trump$i)";
🎈All done
You should now have 20 json files each holding a json objects full of Donald Trump nonesense 🎉
Converting the Data
Create an index,html
file to read through all of your trump/trudeau JS files which should be stored in /json/dataN.js
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"/>
<!-- Im sure there's an easier way to do this -->
<script src="json/trudeau0.js"></script>
<script src="json/trudeau17.js"></script>
<script src="json/trump0.js"></script>
<script src="json/trump17.js"></script>
<script src="jsonify.js"></script>
Create a jsonify.js
file and leave it in the same directory as your index.html.
let trudeau = [];
let trump = [];
// get tweets from "trudeau" or "trump"
function getTweets(name){
let i = 0;
for (i ; i <= 17 ; i++) {
let varName = eval(name+i);
let j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < varName.length ; j++){
// normalize text to Extended ASCII 255, removing emojis
let text = varName[j].text.replace(/[^\x00-\xFF]/g, "");
//format the output to JSON notation [{input: "American President", output: {trump: 1}}, ...]
let input = text;
let output
if (name == "trump"){
output = {trump : 1};
}else if(name == "trudeau"){
output = {trudeau : 1};
let result = {input, output};
//push the JSONafied text into the array
let trumpString = JSON.stringify(trump);
let trudeauString = JSON.stringify(trump);
🎉 Open your index.html file in browser and you should have 2 beautiful looking JSON arrays holding your tweets, ready to be trained by brain.js.