
PHP Web Socket server

Primary LanguagePHP


WebSocket Server and Client library for PHP. Works with the latest HyBi specifications, as well the older Hixie #76 specification used by older Chrome versions and some Flash fallback solutions.

This project was started to bring more interactive features to http://www.u2start.com/


The current version available for download is 1.0 RC1. This version has been thouroughly tested. However documentation is still minimal.



  • Hixie #76 and Hybi #12 protocol versions
  • Flash client support (also serves XML policy file on the same port)
  • Native Firefox, Safari (iPod / iPhone as well), Chrome and IE10 support. With Flash Client every browser supporting Flash works as well (including IE6-9, Opera, Android and other older desktop browsers).
  • Opera (Mobile) supports WebSockets natively but support has been disabled by default. Can be enabled in opera:config.


  • Hybi / Hixie76 support.

Known Issues

  • SSL support not well field tested.
  • Lacks ORIGIN checking (can be implemented manually in onConnect using getHeaders(), just disconnect the user when you dont like the Origin header)
  • No support for extension data from the HyBi specs.



  • PHP 5.3
  • Open port for the server
  • PHP OpenSSL module to run a server over a encrypted connection


  • PHP 5.3
  • Server that implements the HyBi (#8-#12) draft version
  • PHP OpenSSL module to connect using SSL (wss:// uris)

Server Example

	#!/php -q

	// Run from command prompt > php demo.php

	 * This demo resource handler will respond to all messages sent to /echo/ on the socketserver below
	 * All this handler does is echoing the responds to the user
	 * @author Chris
	class DemoEchoHandler extends WebSocketUriHandler{
		public function onMessage(IWebSocketConnection $user, IWebSocketMessage $msg){
			$this->say("[ECHO] {$msg->getData()}");
			// Echo

		public function onAdminMessage(IWebSocketConnection $user, IWebSocketMessage $obj){
			$this->say("[DEMO] Admin TEST received!");

			$frame = WebSocketFrame::create(WebSocketOpcode::PongFrame);

	 * Demo socket server. Implements the basic eventlisteners and attaches a resource handler for /echo/ urls.
	 * @author Chris
	class DemoSocketServer implements IWebSocketServerObserver{
		protected $debug = true;
		protected $server;

		public function __construct(){
			$this->server = new WebSocketServer('tcp://', 'superdupersecretkey');

			$this->server->addUriHandler("echo", new DemoEchoHandler());

		public function onConnect(IWebSocketConnection $user){
			$this->say("[DEMO] {$user->getId()} connected");

		public function onMessage(IWebSocketConnection $user, IWebSocketMessage $msg){
			$this->say("[DEMO] {$user->getId()} says '{$msg->getData()}'");

		public function onDisconnect(IWebSocketConnection $user){
			$this->say("[DEMO] {$user->getId()} disconnected");

		public function onAdminMessage(IWebSocketConnection $user, IWebSocketMessage $msg){
			$this->say("[DEMO] Admin Message received!");

			$frame = WebSocketFrame::create(WebSocketOpcode::PongFrame);

		public function say($msg){
			echo "$msg \r\n";

		public function run(){

	// Start server
	$server = new DemoSocketServer();

Client Example


	$input = "Hello World!";
	$msg = WebSocketMessage::create($input);

	$client = new WebSocket("ws://");
	if($client->open() === true) {

		// Wait for an incoming message
		$msg = $client->readMessage();


		echo $msg->getData(); // Prints "Hello World!" when using the demo.php server