
Functional test automation framework (Selenium) for Kuali and Sakai open source products

Primary LanguageRuby

Functional test automation framework for Kuali and Sakai open source products


Ruby 1.9.2

Ruby Gems:
Note that Test-Unit and ci_reporter are required if you're going to be using any of the CLE
test case scripts written by rSmart. For OAE, Rspec is required. If you will be writing
your own test scripts, then feel free to use any test framework gem you prefer.


Provides a framework for interacting with web sites for Sakai-CLE and Sakai-OAE, using
Ruby and Watir-webdriver--but without needing to know either in detail.

OAE Project Directory and File Structure:

| - \config
|    | - \OAE
|           config.rb
|           config.yml
|           directory.yml
| - \data
|    | - \sakai-OAE
|           data files...
| - \lib
|    |  utilities.rb
|    | - \sakai-OAE
|           app_functions.rb
|           page_elements.rb
| - \tests
|      test case files...
|      test suite files...

CLE's directory structure is analogous. Just replace "OAE" with "CLE".

A Basic Usage Example for OAE:

require "watir-webdriver"
require "page-object"
require "config"        # These lines assume you've added
require "utilities"     # the various relevant file paths
require "app_functions" # to Ruby's load path.
require "page_elements" #

# Log in to Sakai OAE with "username" and "password"...
dashboard = @sakai.login("username", "password") # See the SakaiOAE class in app_functions.rb

# Go to the course library page for "Econ 101"...
course_library = dashboard.open_course "Econ 101"   # See the page_elements.rb file.
                                                    # Specifically, see:
                                                    # GlobalMethods, MyDashboard, and Library.
# Store the contents of the course library in
# an array called "library_contents"...
library_contents = course_library.documents