
Ferret is a copy-detection tool, locating duplicate text or code in multiple text documents or source files.

Primary LanguageC++



Ferret is a copy-detection tool, locating duplicate text or code in multiple text documents or source files. Ferret is designed to
detect copying ( collusion ) within a given set of files, and distinguishes copying unique to a pair of documents, across a group of documents, and against provided template material.

Ferret is useful for:

  • document analysis, tracking changes to documents
  • software developers, looking for duplicate code to refactor
  • software evolution, studying how code has changed over time
  • teachers, looking for collusion or plagiarism in student work
  • tracking the amount of new material in the current version of a text or program


  • compares text documents containing natural language or computer language
  • automatic conversion of standard word processor or pdf formats to text
  • processing specialised for major programming languages
  • choice of similarity measures to highlight individual or group similarity
  • quick loading and comparison of documents, up to computer's memory capacity
  • display of all document comparisons, ranked by a similarity score
  • detailed display of individual document comparisons, highlighting any text in common with the group or template material, or uniquely with compared document
  • save result table and comparisons to pdf or xml formats, for printing or further analysis.
  • display of unique trigrams per document/group
  • template material, whose contents can be excluded from analysis
  • display of engagement (overlap with template material) per document/group

Similarity Measure

Ferret computes a similarity measure based on the trigrams found within each of the two documents under comparison; this measure is a number from 0 (no copying) to 1 (everything has been copied). This measure should not be taken as an absolute measure of the amount of copying. Instead, the measure is intended to indicate the relative amount of copying that the current pair has compared with the rest of the group. Pairs which appear on top of the table of all similarity comparisons should be examined for possible copying, but the measure itself does not imply any reliable conclusion.



In Preparation


Either unpack or follow the instructions in the installer. The installer will create a menu entry for Ferret in your applications menu, under 'Office' for Linux.

More information

For more information and options, see http://peterlane.info/ferret.html

Install From Source

Download and install wxWidgets (version 2.9+) and wxPdfDocument.

(To obtain a static executable (with all the wx libraries contained within the ferret executable) use the configure flag '--disable-shared'.)

Checkout the source code or download as a zipped folder by clicking on the ZIP button.

> cd src
> make

to build the executable 'uhferret'.

Ferret is known to compile on Linux (using GTK2) and Windows (using mingw) - it is believed to compile on Mac OSX, but this is untested.


Start 'uhferret' to run the program. The graphical interface leads the user through the three main stages:

  1. select files to analyse, using your computer's file browser
  2. list all pairs of files, ranked by degree of copying using a similarity measure
  3. show a detailed comparison of each pair of files.

Ferret can also be used from the command line. The command-line options are:

> uhferret --help
Ferret 5.4: start with no arguments for graphical version
Usage: ferret [-h] [-d] [-l] [-a] [-r] [-w] [-p] [-x] [-f] [-u]
  -h, --help           	displays help on command-line parameters
  -d, --data-table     	produce similarity table (default)
  -l, --list-trigrams  	produce trigram list report
  -a, --all-comparisons	produce list of all comparisons
  -r, --remove-common   removes common trigrams
  -p, --pdf-report     	source-1 source-2 results-file : create pdf report
  -x, --xml-report     	source-1 source-2 results-file : create xml report
  -f, --definition-file	use file with document list
  -u, --use-stored-data	store/retrieve data structure

Supported File Types / Languages

The following list gives the recognised types of file or computer code within Ferret, with the recognised file extension in brackets. To request an addition to this list, raise an issue at https://github.com/petercrlane/ferret or contact the author.

  • Text documents (.txt)
  • Word processor formats (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .abw)
  • Pdf documents (.pdf)
  • Computer languages
    • ActionScript (.as, .actionscript)
    • C/C++ (.h, .c, .cpp)
    • C# (.cs)
    • Clojure (.clj)
    • Groovy (.groovy)
    • Haskell (.hs, .lhs)
    • Java (.java)
    • Lisp (.lisp, .lsp)
    • Lua (.lua)
    • PHP (.php)
    • Prolog (.pl)
    • Python (.py)
    • Racket (.rkt)
    • Ruby (.rb)
    • Scheme (.scm, .ss)
    • Visual Basic (.vb)
    • XML/HTML (.xml, .html)


This project defines a version of ferret runnable as a standalone application. Ferret is written in C++ and uses the wxWidgets and wxPdfDocument libraries. Text conversion from word processor or pdf formats is through calling abiword or pdftotext.

For a version designed for embedding in your own scripts, see uhferret-gem.


Ferret is released under the GPL. It may be used freely, with the only restriction that it may not be sold or distributed as a component of a proprietary (closed-source) product. Please read the license for more details, or otherwise contact the author for clarification.


Version 5.4:

  • selection and use of template material
  • engagement table
  • added green highlighting in displays to show overlap with template material
  • added more languages

Version 5.3:

  • file-specific tokenising of major programming languages (see list above)
  • no user-selection of text/code format (gui retains option to process unrecognised files as txt or word-processed files)
  • drag and drop files onto Select Files dialog
  • include option to compute similarities after excluding trigrams common to other files
  • added display of document-unique trigram count
  • red-blue-black colour for confirming pairwise copying implemented on displays/pdf/xml
  • grouping of files based on base directory in select files display