NOTE: This is out of date. I'm allowing things to spill past 0x087FFFFF for now and then repacking everything at the end.
Allocation of extra memory from 0x087DF750 to 0x087FFFFF
0x087DF750 -- 0x087E2110
: Monster names
0x087E2110 -- 0x087E5950
: Place names
0x087E5950 -- 0x087F5950
: Bestiary descriptions
0x087F5950 -- 0x087F59B0
: Custom newline control character function
0x087F59B0 -- 0x087F5A10
: VWF menu clear tiles function
0x087F5A10 -- 0x087F5BB0
: Main VWF menu function
0x087F5BB0 -- 0x087F5C30
: x-coordinate update function for VWF sprite
0x087F5C30 -- 0x087F5F30
: VWF script handlers
0x087F5F30 -- 0x087F6130
: Main VWF script function
0x087F6130 -- 0x087F6330
: VWF sprite function
Layout of game:
0x08106320 -- 0x0810655B
: Table for overworld character sprites. Each entry
in the table is 4 bytes. The first 2 represent some information about the
sprite (unsure what). The last 2 are address offsets for the sprite.
0x0810655C -- 0x0813FC3B
: Overworld sprites
0x08151928 -- 0x08224E50
: Battle sprites. Before each set of sprites is some
meta-data, presumably for the animation.
0x084B06E0 -- 0x0851DBE0 or so
: I suspect this is music.