Electron visualization tool and toolkit based on Inviwo

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

ENVISIoN: Electronic Structure Visualization Studio

ENVISIoN is an open source tool/toolkit for electron structure visualization developed in the Materials Design and Informatics unit in the Theoretical Physics division at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology at Linköping University (LiU). It is implemented using the Inviwo visualization framework, developed at the Scientific Visualization Group at LiU.

ENVISIoN provides a graphical user interface and a set of Python scripts that allow the user to visualise electronic structure quantities from ab-initio calculations. Presently only VASP output is well-supported.

ENVISIoN presently has the following features: visualization of crystal structure, electron density, electron localisation function, partial charge density, band structure, density of states, partial density of states, and pair correlation function.

ENVISIoN is licenced under BSD 2-Clause “Simplified” License.

© 2017 - Josef Adamsson, Robert Cranston, David Hartman, Denise Härnström, Fredrik Segerhammar.
© 2018 - Anders Rehult, Andreas Kempe, Marian Brännvall, Viktor Bernholtz.
© 2019 - Linda Le, Abdullatif Ismail, Anton Hjert, Lloyd Kizito and Jesper Ericsson.
© 2017 – 2019 - Rickard Armiento, Johan Jönsson

For more details about the contributions and devlopment history of ENVISIoN, see Contributors.

ENVISIoN is packaged for some distributions (e.g. as .deb for Ubuntu Linux).

Packages called <something>-anaconda are recommended. These packages requires you to first install the Anaconda distribution of Python 3.

After Anaconda is installed, download the appropriate packaged version of ENVISIoN from the releases page and install using your operating systems package manager.

You should now be able to start ENVISIoN using envision (and the ENVISIoN-adapted Inviwo using envision-inviwo) in your terminal.

ENVISIoN requires Python 3 and quite specific versions of some dependencies. You can choose to satisfy the dependences either by Anaconda or by system packages. In many cases the system-installable software may be too old, in which case using Anaconda is recommended.

Note: Right now the installation path using Anaconda dependencies does not work, as it gives a late-stage compilation error for Inviwo. This will shortly be fixed.

The rest of these instructions describe building ENVISIoN and Inviwo under ~/ENVISIoN. This can be adapted as desired, but will require the corresponding changes of paths throughout the instructions. Furthermore, for Anaconda installs, it is assumed the user installs anaconda in the default user directory of ~/anaonda3. If this is not the case, paths needs to be adjusted accordingly.

Furthermore, the package manager instructions apply to recent versions of Ubuntu. They need to be adapted for other Linux distributions.   Dependencies using Anaconda

Install system packages required by Anaconda. Follow the instructions here, but specifically for Ubuntu Linux:

sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-glx libegl1-mesa libxrandr2 \
                 libxrandr2 libxss1 libxcursor1 libxcomposite1 \
                 libasound2 libxi6 libxtst6

Furthermore, even with Anaconda, there are some additional system packages needed for building Inviwo:

sudo apt install build-essential gcc-8 g++-8

Download the latest Python 3 version of Anaconda and install it.

Create a conda environment with the needed dependencies:

conda create --name envision
conda activate envision
conda install python=3
conda install git pybind11 \
      numpy scipy matplotlib markdown regex wxpython \
      h5py hdf5 \
      qt=5 \
      libpng libtiff jpeg cmake \

qtchooser -install anaconda ~/anaconda3/envs/envision/bin/qmake

When doing new builds of ENVISIoN in a fresh environment, you need to remember to activate the envision conda environment:

conda activate envision   Dependencies without Anaconda

Inviwo dependencies via the package manager:

sudo apt install \
  git build-essential \
  nodejs npm \
  libpng-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxrandr-dev \
  libhdf5-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev \
  libtirpc-dev gcc-8 g++-8

ENVISIoN dependencies via package manager:

sudo apt install \
  python3-h5py python3-regex

For cmake, version 3.12 or later required. As of writing this the version supplied by Ubuntu apt-get is not compatible with Inviwo. If the system provided cmake is too old, you need to uninstall it:

sudo apt purge --auto-remove cmake

On Ubuntu you can get a newer version of cmake via snap:

sudo snap install cmake --classic

Alternatively you can upgrade cmake manually from source:

Execute this:

mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp
wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.15/cmake-3.15.2-Linux-x86_64.sh
sudo mkdir /opt/cmake
sudo sh cmake-$version.$build-Linux-x86_64.sh --prefix=/opt/cmake

Add the installed binary link to /usr/local/bin/cmake by running this:

sudo ln -s /opt/cmake/bin/cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake

Verify that you have a working cmake of the correct version by running cmake -version

For qt 5, you need at least qt 5.3, but higher versions are recommended. If the system supplied version of qt is not new enough, you can follow these instructions:

wget http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.12/5.12.2/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.12.2.run
chmod +x qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.12.2.run
sudo ./qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.12.2.run
qtchooser -install opt-qt5.12.2 /opt/Qt5.12.2/5.12.2/gcc_64/bin/qmake

Verify that Qt was installed in an appropriate version by running qmake -version

Clone the ENVISON source code into ~/ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN from the main repository:

git clone https://github.com/rartino/ENVISIoN

Clone the Inviwo source code from the main repository into ~/ENVISIoN/inviwo:

git clone https://github.com/inviwo/inviwo.git
cd inviwo
git checkout v0.9.10
git submodule update --init --recursive

This checks out version v0.9.10. Later versions may work but have not been tested.

Apply ENVISIoN patches to inviwo:

cd ~/ENVISIoN/inviwo
git apply ~/ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN/inviwo/patches/2019/transferfunctionFix.patch
git apply ~/ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN/inviwo/patches/2019/deb-package.patch
git apply ~/ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN/inviwo/patches/2019/paneProperty2019.patch
git apply ~/ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN/inviwo/patches/2019/sysmacro.patch
git apply ~/ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN/inviwo/patches/2019/inviwo-v0.9.10-extlibs.patch

Setup a directory for building Inviwo:

mkdir inviwo-build
cd inviwo-build

Generate makefiles with cmake.

If using anaconda, generate the build files this way:

export QT_SELECT=anaconda
eval `qtchooser --print-env`
#export LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/anaconda3/envs/envision/lib"
#export CPATH="$HOME/anaconda3/envs/envision/include"
/snap/bin/cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \
  -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH="$HOME/anaconda3/envs/envision" \
  -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="gcc-8" \
  -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-isystem '$HOME/anaconda3/envs/envision/include'" \
  -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-isystem '$HOME/anaconda3/envs/envision/include'" \

If not using anaconda, first select a suitable Qt (system or manually installed):

qtchooser -l
export QT_SELECT=<qt version>

Where the first command list options to use in the second command.

Then generate the build files:

eval `qtchooser --print-env`
/snap/bin/cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \

Now build inviwo:

make -j5

Once complete, verify that build worked by running ./bin/inviwo. The Inviwo GUI applicaiton should start.

Install required node modules for the ENVISIoN GUI:

npm install

Depending on whether you changed the path to where you built inviwo, you may need to set the environment variable INVIWO_HOME to your inviwo-build directory.

Finally, insert the ENVISIoN bin directory into your path:


ENVISIoN can be built into an installable .deb package with the following steps:

Start by building Inviwo and installing ENVISIoN following the steps in Build for Linux from source. You may want to change CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release in the cmake configuration as it will make the package size smaller and remove unneccicary debug flags.

Build inviwo as package:

cd ~/ENVISIoN/inviwo-build/
sudo make package -j5

This will create a .deb file containing Inviwo. This file needs some adjustments:

~/ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN/packaging/deb-repack.sh ~/ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN ~/ENVISIoN/inviwo-build

A new folder will be generated called envision_package. In this the .deb file containing Inviwo and ENVISIoN will be placed.

Install needed files for eclipse:

sudo apt-get install gitg
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-pydev eclipse-cdt eclipse-cdt-qt

Create an Eclipse cmake project:

eval `qtchooser --print-env`
mkdir -p ~/ENVISIoN/inviwo.eclipse
cd ~/ENVISIoN/inviwo.eclipse
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" \
   -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH="$HOME/anaconda3/envs/envision" \
   -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="gcc-8" \
   -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-isystem '$HOME/anaconda3/envs/envision/include'" \
   -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-isystem '$HOME/anaconda3/envs/envision/include'" \

Where the upper section is the same for a regular build (here using an Anaconda setup, but it can be replaced with a cmake run for using system dependencies instead). The lower section are eclipse-development-specific settings.

Note: other options for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE are: Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel.

Now start eclipse:


Do the following:

  • Close the welcome screen.
  • Uncheck 'Project -> Build Automatically'
  • File -> Import..., choose: Existing Projects into Workspace.
  • For 'Select root directory' choose ENVISIoN/inviwo.eclipse in your home directory, eclipse should find the project.
  • Click Finish.
  • The project appear under inviwo-projects-Debug@inviwo.eclipse, in Project Explorer you'll find the source directory, i.e., inviwo.git, under '[Source directory]'. All modules, including the ENVISIoN ones show up under '[Subprojects]'.
  • Click 'Build All' and inviwo should build.
  • In the Project Explorer select bin/inviwo
  • In the toolbar, click the drop-down arrow next to the green 'play' button and 'Run configurations...', select C/C++Application, and press the 'new' icon (a document with a star).
  • The result should be a new Run configuration for bin/inviwo. Close the dialog.
  • Press the green 'play' button in the toolbar, and Inviwo should run.
  • Select File->New project. Select PyDev -> PyDev Project.
  • Set the name to ENVISIoN
  • For Project contents, unclick 'Use default', and browse to ENVISIoN/ENVISIoN in your home directory.
  • Select Python version 3.
  • Next + Finish (no referenced projects)
  • Feel free to Switch to the PyDev perspective. (Perspectives are how menues etc. are organized to fit the programming language you work with. You switch perspective manually with buttons in the top right corner.)
  • You can now browse with and work with the ENVISIoN python source files under the ENVISIoN project. (But work with the C++ modules under the Inviwo project.)

Another popular development environment is Visual Studio Code.

Once properly installed, the ENVISIoN GUI can be started this way:


You should now see the main window from where ENVISIoN can be controlled.

ENVISIoN is implemented as python 3 scripts that do visualisations in Inviwo. For development work or to access more visualization features, the ENVISIoN scripts can be run directly inside the main Inviwo GUI. This is, however, less user-firendly than the dedicated ENVISIoN GUI.

Start the inviwo GUI:


To setup a ENVISIoN visualisation take the following steps:

  1. Open up the Inviwo python editor.
  2. Click button to open a python file.
  3. A dialog prompts you to pick a file. Scripts for visualisations are located in the directory scripts in your ENVISIoN directory. Pick the script for what you want to visualise.
  4. Configure the paths in the python file to correspond to where you have installed ENVISIoN, where your VASP output data is, and where you wish to save the resulting HDF5 file.

A visualisation should now start. The visualisation can now be configured using the Inviwo network editor.

For more information on how to use the ENVISIoN application, see the User's guide.

The initial version of ENVISIoN was developed the spring term 2017 as part of the course TFYA75: Applied Physics - Bachelor Project, given at Linköping University, Sweden (LiU) by Josef Adamsson, Robert Cranston, David Hartman, Denise Härnström, Fredrik Segerhammar. The project was supervised by Rickard Armiento (requisitioner and expert), Johan Jönsson (head supervisor), and Peter Steneteg (expert). The course examinator was Per Sandström.

ENVISIoN was further developed during the spring term of 2018 as part of the same course by Anders Rehult, Andreas Kempe, Marian Brännvall, and Viktor Bernholtz. The project was supervised by Rickard Armiento (requisitioner and expert), Johan Jönsson (head supervisor). The course examinator was Per Sandström.

Work on implementing visualization of partial electronic charge was done as a project work by Elvis Jacobson during the fall term of 2018.

ENVISIoN was further developed during the spring term of 2019 as part of the same course by: Linda Le, Abdullatif Ismail, Anton Hjert, Lloyd Kizito and Jesper Ericsson. The project was supervised by Rickard Armiento (requisitioner and expert), Johan Jönsson (head supervisor), and Peter Steneteg (expert). The course examiner was Per Sandström. Requisitioner and co-supervisor: Visualization expert: Peter Steneteg; and

During summer 2019 the development was continued by Jesper Ericsson, primarily creating the Electron-based GUI.