Birthday Tracker Coding Challenge

Read the instructions thoroughly before starting your project.

This app is a simple birthday tracker written using the MERN stack. Users should be able to view a list of all birthdays created, add a birthday to the list, edit a birthday from the list, and delete a birthday from the list.


  • Click the 'Use this template` button on this repo
  • cd into it.
  • yarn install
  • touch .env && touch .gitignore

Update your .env file so that it contains your unique MongoDB Atlas URI with the key ATLAS_URI.

  • yarn server to run your server

Coding Challenge Instructions

You are creating a simple app that will help Wyncode keep track of the birthdays of its students and staff using the MERN stack. The project structure has been generated for you, packages that you will need have been installed, and Express boilerplate has been written within server.js.

Your task is the following:

Create a server directory and, within it, configure a connection to MongoDB, create a models directory and, within that, a birthday.model.js file.

  • Within /server/models/birthday.model.js:
  • Your app will need to keep track of four pieces of data:
    • username (string)
    • cohort_number (string)
    • month (string)
    • date (string).
  • All of these fields should be required in order for a birthday to save to the database.
  • You should create a model and schema for your birthday object that reflects this.

Within your server directory, create a routes directory and, within that, a /birthdays.js file. Within /birthdays.js:

Make sure to use POSTMAN to test all the routes
  • Create a route to a /birthdays endpoint that will accept a GET request.
    • This /birthdays endpoint should query your database for all of the birthdays that currently exist, and return them as JSON.
    • Include a .catch to display any error messages.
  • Create a route to a /birthdays endpoint that will accept a POST request.
    • This /birthdays endpoint should allow for the creation of a new Birthday, which should then be saved to your database.
    • Include a .catch to display any error messages.
  • Create a route to a /birthdays/:id endpoint that will accept a GET request.
    • This /birthdays/:id endpoint should query the database for the birthday with that particular id, and return it as JSON.
    • Include a .catch to display any error messages.
  • Create a route to a /birthdays/:id endpoint that will accept a PUT request.
    • This /birthdays/:id endpoint will query the database for the birthday with that particular id, then should allow user changes into any of the database fields for a birthday to save to your database.
    • Include a .catch to display any error messages.
  • Create a route to a /birthdays/:id endpoint that will accept a DELETE request.
    • This /birthdays/:id endpoint will search for a birthday by its id and delete it from your database.
    • Include a .catch to display any error messages.

Milestone 1

  • Create a server directory
  • Configure connection to MongoDB Atlas

Milestone 2

  • Create a server directory
  • Configure connection to MongoDB Atlas
  • Create birthday model
  • Add the correct birthday schema.

Milestone 3

  • Create a server directory
  • Configure connection to MongoDB Atlas
  • Create birthday model
  • Add the correct birthday schema.
  • Create routes directory
  • Create a route to GET all the birthdays from the database.

Milestone 4

  • Create a server directory
  • Configure connection to MongoDB Atlas
  • Create birthday model
  • Add the correct birthday schema.
  • Create routes directory
  • Create a route to GET all the birthdays from the database.
  • Create a route to POST a new birthday to the database.
  • Create a route to GET a specific birthday from the database.

Milestone 5

  • Complete all the requirements.