
Rundeck WinRM Node Executor plugin

Primary LanguageJava

Rundeck WinRM Plugin

This is a Rundeck Node Execution plugin that uses WinRM to connect to Windows and execute commands. It uses the OverThere Library to provide the WinRM implementation, and uses Basic authentication over HTTPS.


Copy the rundeck-winrm-plugin-1.0.jar to the libext/ directory for Rundeck.

Configure The Plugin

This plugin provides a NodeExecutor called overthere-winrm, which you can set as on your node defintion:

<node name="winNode" node-executor="overthere-winrm" .../>

Or set as the default NodeExecutor for your project/framework properties file, with service.NodeExecutor.default.provider=overthere-winrm.

These Node attributes are used to connect to the remote host:

  • username - Remote username
  • hostname - Remote host. Can include "host:port" to specify port number other than the default 5986.
  • winrm-password-option - Specifies a Secure Authentication Option from a Job to use as the authentication password. (format: "option.NAME").
    • default-value: "option.winrmPassword", so simply define a Secure Authentication Option on your Job with the name "winrmPassword".

These additional configuration attributes can be set on the Node, or in the project.properties or framework.properties. To add them to project.properties, prefix them with "project." and for framework.properties prefix them with "framework.":

  • winrm-timeout - timeout in milliseconds for connection. (default 15000)
  • winrm-port - port number to use, if not set in the hostname of the Node. (Default: 5986)
  • winrm-user - Username, if not set in the username of the Node
  • winrm-password-option

Configure a Windows Server for WinRM

This is a seperate topic, but you can follow the guide described in the OverThere project for WINRM_HTTPS Host Setup.

Here are also some notes on the wiki: [wikilink]


Note: This plugin will work against Rundeck 1.4.3 or later. A conflict with the "commons-codec" jar dependency prevents it from working in earlier versions out of the box. If you want you can resolve the issue manually by removing all "commons-codec-1.x.jar" files in your Rundeck server install, and replacing them with "commons-codec-1.5.jar".


Build with gradle or maven 2.

Prerequisites: the rundeck-core-1.4.x.jar file.

Gradle build, result is build/libs/rundeck-winrm-plugin-1.0.jar.

gradle clean build

Maven build, result is target/rundeck-winrm-plugin-1.0.jar

Getting the Rundeck core jar

If you're building the plug-in independently of Rundeck itself you can find the Rundeck core jar in a couple of places under your Rundeck install:

[rundeck@centos62 ~]$ find . -name rundeck-core-\*.jar

Furthermore, if you're using Maven to build the plug-in you can add the jar to your local repository as follows:

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.dtolabs.rundeck -DartifactId=rundeck-core -Dversion=1.4.4-dev -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true -Dfile=rundeck-core-1.4.4-dev.jar

Ultimately the jar file will be added to Maven central and made available as a separate artifact by other means besides.