
A man with a rock -- or is it? Text based rpg game from my adolescent days.

Primary LanguageJava

scopulus vir

A game seeded from my imaginations during my high school years, when I first became captivated by the programming world. Written in Java.

Update: Initial upload of repository was the last update to the game -- I found out was ~ the end of 2013, aka my FIRST TERM freshman year in college. I was not aware of Github then (this would have definitely saved me computer space and improved revision power).

Will this be updated in the future?

You certainly bet it will. It was a serious passion of mine in high school, and I think the younger me would really appreciate how much I and future self can push the limits of this project. The code is somewhat complicated, untidy, and could be simplified and optimized. This will all be taken care of in what will be known as the 2.0 version -- the reboot.

Will it be kept as text based?

Yes. With a cleaner feel.

Do you play computer games?

I used to (heavily). Now, I don't find too much entertainment in them. However, I love the concept of storytelling, and being able to derive a product from an imagination, from a will and a drive.