- aguaiBeijing, China
- akemimadokaTencent
- AloxafGuangdong, China
- Araraki
- aromazylBaidu
- boolking
- bryango
- cheniisonFudan Univ
- chunsj
- deem0n
- diggzhang
- dou4cc
- GinRyanQingdao,China
- gyf1214Oracle America, Inc.
- Hatsunespica
- Ir1d@VITA-Group, UT Austin, PKU, @24OI
- jasonzhengz
- jiegec
- lqdevDesert of the real
- luwei14Wuhan University
- miRooxZStack
- moehuhu
- molingyuXian, China
- rampantmonkeyReston, VA
- RDR8
- roundsheep
- secondwtqSichuan University
- thefangbear@0x55553333
- thomasyonugUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- vthenonekonata
- weipeng1999
- xchernDCST, Tsinghua University
- XunShape
- YanB25Tsinghua University
- yuanshanxiaoni
- Z-ShangMongoDB