
The Serverless Markdown Blogging Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The Serverless Markdown Blogging Framework

Live Demo: scribe.ikartik.com


  • Serverless deployments
  • Blazing fast Server-side Rendering using the Next.js framework
  • React front-end for a single-page experience
  • Customizable post URLs, summaries, featured images, and tags
  • Markdown parser for posts
  • Inline HTML support for custom elements
  • Support for static elements (like photos) and embed content (like YouTube videos)

Getting Started

Clone the project

$ git clone https://github.com/kchaturvedi/Scribe.git

Install dependencies

$ cd Scribe
$ npm i

Add posts

  1. Add any static content to the /static directory. Images, attachments, anything. Use any folder structure you prefer.
  2. Add your markdown post to the /posts directory and link to any static content you placed in the /static directory.
  3. Add the post's metadata to the /posts/index.js file.

Run development server

$ npm run dev

View in browser

Open http://localhost:3000 to see your blog running!

Deploy to Now.sh

$ now

Learn more about Now: https://zeit.co/now


  • Improve styling for Markdown elements (in progress)
  • Fix some rendering issues on smaller screens (in progress)
  • Fix alignment issues for post's featured image box (in progress)
  • Add Dark Mode support
  • Make configuration and customization easier
  • Add custom CMS / database support to dynamically load content without editing any files
  • Add 'Related Posts' section at bottom of posts based on post tags
  • Create Tags page to view all posts with a particular tag