
TPC-DS benchmark for experimenting with Apache Hive at any data scale

Primary LanguagePython

Steps to use


  • Hadoop 2.2 or later cluster or Sandbox.
  • Apache Hive.
  • Between 15 minutes and 2 days to generate data (depending on the Scale Factor you choose and available hardware).
  • Have gcc in installed your system path. If your system does not have it, install it using yum or apt-get.


git clone https://github.com/kcheeeung/hive-testbench.git && cd hive-testbench/

Individual Steps

1. Build the benchmark

Build the benchmark you want to use (do all the prerequisites)





2. Generate the tables

Decide how much data you want. SCALE approximately is about # ~GB. Supported FORMAT includes: orc and parquet.

Generic Usage

nohup sh script.sh SCALE FORMAT


nohup sh util_tablegentpcds.sh 10 orc


nohup sh util_tablegentpch.sh 10 orc

3. Run all the queries

  • SCALE must be the SAME size from an existing database!
  • Modify your settings in settings.sql.
  • By default each query has a timeout it set to 2 hours! Change in util_internalRunQuery.sh where TIME_TO_TIMEOUT=120m.
  • Run the queries!

TPC-DS Benchmark

nohup sh util_runtpcds.sh 10 orc

TPC-H Benchmark

nohup sh util_runtpch.sh 10 orc

Optional: Enable Performance Analysis Tool (PAT)

1. Connect Head to Worker Node

sh util_connect.sh YOURPASSWORD

2. Enable PAT

Go into util_runtpcds.sh or util_runtpch.sh. Switch the command by un/commenting. Example below.

# ./util_internalRunQuery.sh "$DATABASE" "$CURR_DIR$SETTINGS_PATH" "$CURR_DIR$query_path" "$CURR_DIR$LOG_PATH" "$i" "$CURR_DIR$REPORT_NAME.csv"

./util_internalGetPAT.sh /$CURR_DIR/util_internalRunQuery.sh "$DATABASE" "$CURR_DIR$SETTINGS_PATH" "$CURR_DIR$query_path" "$CURR_DIR$LOG_PATH" "$i" "$CURR_DIR$REPORT_NAME.csv" tpchPAT"$ID"/query"$i"/

Optional: Run Queries using Different Connection

Go into util_internalRunQuery.sh. Switch the command by uncommenting. Example below. Add the appropriate information (CLUSTERNAME and PASSWORD).

# timeout $TIME_TO_TIMEOUT beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://`hostname -f`:10001/$INTERNAL_DATABASE;transportMode=http" -i $INTERNAL_SETTINGSPATH -f $INTERNAL_QUERYPATH &>> $INTERNAL_LOG_PATH

timeout $TIME_TO_TIMEOUT beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://CLUSTERNAME.azurehdinsight.net:443/$INTERNAL_DATABASE;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=/hive2" -n admin -p PASSWORD -i $INTERNAL_SETTINGSPATH -f $INTERNAL_QUERYPATH &>> $INTERNAL_LOG_PATH


Did my X step finish?

Check the aaa_clock.txt or aab_clock.txt file.

ps -ef | grep .sh
ps -ef | grep beeline

Could not find database?

In the settings.sql file, add.


How to debug

Uncomment the following line.