attiny84-transistor-high-voltage-control The concept is to control high voltage devices (over 5v) with TIP120 power transistor and attiny85 arduino compatible chip. 1 Program attiny85 with arduino in order to get familiar with uploading arduino code to attiny chip-> 2 Go through instructable to get familiar with TIP120 transistor controlled by arduino-> 3 Combine the above by using the file provided (basicTIP120.ino) and make the correct connections Define which pin to be used to communicate with Base pin of TIP120 transistor Use Attiny85 0 pin for controlling TIP120 -> TIP120pin = 0; By changing values from 0 to 255 you can control LED light (eg make it dim) or perhaps controlling speed of a motor, using PWM on ATtiny85 PIN 0.