Repository for GARCH tutorial paper in RAC

Primary LanguageR


This is the repository for R code associated with the paper "Garch Tutorial in R", submitted to RAC in march 2020.


  1. Install R (link here )

  2. Install RStudio (link here)

  3. Run script 00-Prepare_Computer.R to install all dependencies of the code (open script file in RStudio and press control + shift + enter)

  4. Execute other scripts in root folder in order to reproduce all results from the paper

Available R scripts

Filename Description
00-Prepare_computer.R Setup computer by installing all required R packages. This is a mandatory step.
01-Get_Index_Data.R Using the internet, imports a dataset of prices of the Ibovespa index.
02-Do_Descriptive_Figures.R Creates and saves all descriptive figures presented in the paper.
03-Do_ARCH_Test.R Performs the arch test in the data.
04-Estimate_Simple_Garch_Model.R Estimate an introductory Garch model and present results.
05-Find_Best_Garch_Model.R Finds the best ARMA(ar, ma)-GARCH(p,q) model for the dataset.
06-Simulate_Garch_Model.R Simulates the previous GARCH model and plots paths and probabilities.