Setup environment variables using any suitable for you way.

cd terraform
make init && make plan && make apply
# wait until instance cloud-config is up and running
ssh ubuntu@<instance-address> 'tail -f /var/log/cloud-config-output.log'
# Ensure that your DNS records point to the newly created machine public IPs.
cd ansible
ansible-playbook init.yml

After completion, cluster admin config can be found in ansible/pki/admin.conf

Required environment variables

No variables - no success.

YC_TOKEN - YC JWT token. YC_CLOUD_ID - YC cloud identifier. YC_FOLDER_ID - YC project folder identifier. YC_ZONE - default YC AZ. YC_KEY_ID - service account key ID. YC_KEY_SECRET - service account key secret. YC_BUCKET - bucket name for backend. DNSIMPLE_TOKEN - DNSimple token. DNSIMPLE_ACCOUNT - DNSimple account id. TF_VAR_domain - domain name on DNSimple.


In case of terraform version older than 0.12 before running terraform replace the following lines inside of master_inventories = "${...}" by master_inventories = "", then make plan && make apply, revert lines back and make plan && make apply again. This is a terraform bug and it will be fixed in 0.12.0 hashicorp/terraform#18160

Host keys

Host public and private keys are being stored in this repository, but the private part is encrypted by ansible-vault. To process the following operations one must have access to the ansible-vault decryption password.

Decrypt: ansible-vault decrypt id_rsa.encrypted --output=id_rsa --vault-password-file=<file location>

Encrypt: ansible-vault encrypt id_rsa --output=id_rsa.encrypted --vault-password-file=<file location>

Upgrade Kubernetes version

At first, one must edit (and commit :-) ) upgrade.yml file to specify new desired k8s version.

cd ansible
ansible-playbook upgrade.yml

Reset cluster

In most normal cases there is no need to reset kubernetes cluster while running in the cloud, but for some extremely rare cases it may be useful.

cd ansible
ansible-playbook reset.yml