Oathkeeper, Kratos and Keto example

Authentification, ACL and 2FA

This repository show how create an SSO and ACL system with the Ory stack and Kubernetes. It use the kratos-selfservice-ui-node, a fork of mailslurper and a php app for the admin page (I'm not an front-end dev the admin page work, nothing plus).

How to run

You need to install the following tools:

URL Description
minikube minikube is local Kubernetes, focusing on making it easy to learn and develop for Kubernetes.
kustomize Kubernetes native configuration management
kubectl The Kubernetes command-line tool
tiltdev A toolkit for fixing the pains of microservice development
Optional suggestions
dbeaver Free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators and analysts.
openlens Lens is the free and open-source Kubernetes IDE
$ minikube start
$ minikube addons enable ingress
$ minikube tunnel

# Create all the resources
$ tilt up

# Check that ingress are created with minikube tunnel
$ kubectl get ingress
NAME               CLASS    HOSTS            ADDRESS        PORTS   AGE
fake-smtp-server   <none>   mail.test.info   192.168.XXX.XXX   80      119s
oathkeeper         <none>   ory.test.info    192.168.XXX.XXX   80      119s

# Add ingress domains to the local hosts file
$ sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF >> /etc/hosts
# ORY Minikube SSO stack   mail.test.info   ory.test.info

# Open your browser and open http://ory.test.info/panel/welcome and http://mail.test.info

How to use

Go to http://ory.test.info/panel/ and create an account, you can validate your mail on http://mail.test.info. When you create an account you have to role user or admin. Only the admin role have the right to access the admin react app.

URL Description
http://ory.test.info/panel/welcome User app for create an account, login, other
http://ory.test.info/admin/ Admin react app, you need the role admin to access
http://ory.test.info/elrapp PHP application routed through oathkeeper proxy
http://mail.test.info Local mail panel, you will receive mail confirmation here

How it works


(This is an outline and does not exactly reflect the reality of how the stack works)