
Part of a hackathon project, this is a wrapper around Spotify's API and makes generating a playlist easy!

Primary LanguageGo

Spotify Playlist Generator API

This API serves as a wrapper around Spotify's web API. It provides a simplified search endpoint as well as a playlists endpoint that will create a playlist for a user and add recommended tracks to it. An example of it being used can be seen here: https://playmoji-b7170.firebaseapp.com/

Getting Started

Clone the repo in your GOPATH. We use the echo framework so you may need to get dependencies. Run go get -u github.com/labstack/echo/....

To start up up the service, run go run main.go. The service should start up on port 8080 (accessible from localhost:8080)

   ____    __
  / __/___/ /  ___
 / _// __/ _ \/ _ \
/___/\__/_//_/\___/ v3.3.dev
High performance, minimalist Go web framework
⇨ http server started on [::]:8080


Deploying this service to Heroku is simple. Just run heroku create followed by git push heroku master.


All endpoints require an Authorization header with Bearer <access token>, where the access token is an access token that belongs to the user. This means that you must use the Authorization Code Grant or Implicit Grant to get a token on behalf of the user. We also require the playlist-modify-public scope to create and modify playlists.

Notes on access tokens: The API will return a 500 error if the API fails at any point due to authorization. The logs will contain more information however this should be changed in the future to provide better responses.

GET /tracks

The request requires query parameters q, type and limit. These parameters match up with the query parameters required for Spotify's search endpoint. q is the query, type a list of types you want to search for (album, artist, playlist, track), limit is the maximum number of results to return.

Sample: /tracks?q=the%201975&type=track&limit=3

    "tracks": [
            "name": "Chocolate",
            "imageUrl": "https://i.scdn.co/image/281926da293f453a9f486c81c059c20278c87195",
            "trackId": "44Ljlpy44mHvLJxcYUvTK0",
            "artistId": "3mIj9lX2MWuHmhNCA7LSCW"
            "name": "The Sound",
            "imageUrl": "https://i.scdn.co/image/a2aba574af86865eee08624042b1bf75d15cc362",
            "trackId": "316r1KLN0bcmpr7TZcMCXT",
            "artistId": "3mIj9lX2MWuHmhNCA7LSCW"
            "name": "Somebody Else",
            "imageUrl": "https://i.scdn.co/image/a2aba574af86865eee08624042b1bf75d15cc362",
            "trackId": "5hc71nKsUgtwQ3z52KEKQk",
            "artistId": "3mIj9lX2MWuHmhNCA7LSCW"

POST /playlists

The request requires a body, a sample is provided below

    "user": "kcjonnyc",
    "name": "generated playlist",
    "description": "auto-generated playlist",
    "tracks": "5hc71nKsUgtwQ3z52KEKQk",
    "artists": "3mIj9lX2MWuHmhNCA7LSCW",
    "limit": 50,
    "danceability": 0.45,
    "energy": 0.3,
    "liveness": 0.65,
    "loudness": 0.85,
    "mode": 1,
    "popularity": 65,
    "valence": 0.45

Where the user is the username and the name and description are for the Spotify playlist to be created. Tracks and artists are comma separated lists of Spotify ID's. For more on Spotify ID's visit: https://beta.developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/#spotify-uris-and-ids

The remainder of the fields are optional. Note that the limit, mode and popularity are integers while the other are floats. Details on what these attributes represent are documented for Spotify's recommendations endpoint: https://beta.developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/browse/get-recommendations/

If the operation is successful, the response will the a 200 with message "Successfully created playlist".