
A set of macros for JustMacros software to realize hardware shading for compatible cameras in a Blackmagic Atem environment

MIT LicenseMIT

BlackMagic Atem Midi Control

This set of Macros for the JustMacros host software allows to use a common Midi-Controller to implement a hardware shading for cameras which can be controlled through the BlackMagic ATEM software. In the test case a AKAI LPD8 was used. The buttons were used to switch a camera to an AUX-channel, the 8 knobs were used to adjust iris and black levels for four cameras.


JustMacros allows to control only camera 4 in the free version. To use this scripts you need to get a license. Make sure JustMacros is configured right and has a connection to your ATEM Mixer.


Find out the Midi Channel and CC Numbers for the controller knobs/buttons you want to use. Add this information in the HDM_MIDI_PROCESSOR file. Add the number of your controlling midi device in START and execute.