
:hand: Hifive test explorer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hifive Test Explorer

This is the Test Result Explorer tool which supports hifive-test-library. You can easily access your test results and understand what is wrong, if these tests are written with hifive-test-library.

This product is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Our developer site is located at htmlhifive.com.

Let's hifive!

screenshot 1

screenshot 2


Supported browsers

  • Chrome ≥ 44
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Firefox ≥ 37


  1. Run ivy_build.xml. To do so, right-click on ivy_build.xml.launch and choose Run Asivy_build.xml.

  2. Initialize and start database. Change current directory to hifive-test-explorer/db/hsql and run ./init.sh or init.bat. And then, run ./start.sh or start.bat.

  3. Update Tomcat context definition. Right-click hifive-test-explorer project and choose Tomcat projectUpdate context definition.

  4. Start Tomcat.

  5. Go http://localhost:8080/hifive-test-explorer/list.html

About Web APIs

You can see the list of this application's APIs from http://localhost:8080/hifive-test-explorer/spec/api.html

By clicking the buttons labeled "Get a sample result" in that page, you can see the example data.

How to generate API Documents (JSDoc)

  1. Download jsdoc3
    • Download jsdoc
    • Download all fils from Tag to hifive-test-explorer/jsTool/jsdoc/bin. Let jsdoc.bat be in the bin folder.
  2. Generate
    • Right-click hifive-test-explorer/jsTool/jsdoc/jsdoc.bat and select open in the command prompt.
    • Run jsdoc.bat.
    • JSDocs are generated in hifive-test-explorer/doc/jsdoc.