
Love TDD? Love PHPUnit? Love SimpleTest's readable red/green bar? Me too! This is a simple wrapper utility that lets one have unit test in a web browser.

Primary LanguagePHP


Love TDD? Love PHPUnit? Love the simplicity of SimpleTest? Me too .. this is a simple wrapper utility that lets one use phpunit in a web browser, that has the same visual clues that simpletest does.

A simple green bar, or a red bar(with phpunit output) showing the issue.

Here is a youtube video describing it's usage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=an5ZjEVTg0g

It's usage is pretty simple too, depending on autoloading, you can get it down to two lines per test.

Prefered Way: Use an IDE that has a live preview functionality.

Set your base path to say: http://test.example.com/phpwebunit/index.php/ <-- You'll need to create this. In index.php have code that would look something like this:

$sot = __DIR__ . '/../../' . implode('/', $test);
    new \kcmerrill\tdd\phpwebunit('', array('bin'=>'/usr/local/php5/bin/phpunit'), array('SCRIPT_FILENAME'=>$sot));

Another Way:

//This will test the current php file
require_once __FILE__. '/phpwebunit';
new kcmerrill\tdd\phpwebunit;

//This will test the current php's directory
require_once __FILE__. '/phpwebunit';
new kcmerrill\tdd\phpwebunit(__DIR__);

Here are some screenshots: Screenshot

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