
Data Collector + Dashboard. Slice and dice your data.

Primary LanguageGo


Build Status


What is it

Besides a work in progress, vaporware and a pie in the sky idea, po is a way for your side scripts to send in and aggregate a wide variety of metrics. Text, words, numbers, dates, time intervals and heartbeats to name a few. Data can be validated, based on it's type. Once the data is collected, create dashboards based off of yaml configuration files to display metrics that you care about.

An Oogway companian app

Collect Data

As a package, you can configure PO to create entity objects to track. As a standalone app, you can use http web requests. A few examples:

user := po.Attributes{
  "email": "email-address",
  "username": "string",
  "phone": "phone-number",
  "visits": "number",
po.E("kcmerrill", user).A("email").Set("kcmerrill@gmail.com")
# create an entity object
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com

# add new attributes
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/status/string/ok
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/response.code/number/200
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/total.checks/number/0
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/status.404/number/0
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/status.200/number/0
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/elapsed.time.in.ms/list/1
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/last.checked/date/now
$ curl -v http://kcmerrill.com | curl -d @- -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/page.contents/text

# update attributes
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/load.time/1s
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/response.code/302
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/total.checks/increment
$ curl -X POST http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com/elapsed.time.in.ms/3

# grab entity object
# curl http://po.kcmerrill.com/http.check.kcmerrill.com

At this point, we have an entity that we can create and evolve over time. Now, lets layer on a customizable dashboard.

    width: 20%
    innerHTML: status
    bg-color: {{ if status == "ok" }} green {{ else }} red {{ end }}
    width: 20%
    data: status.404 status.200 status.500
    width: 20%
    x-axis: Date
    y-axis: Time in Milliseconds
    data: elapsed.time.in.ms
    width: 40%
    innerHTML: page.contents

Binaries || Installation

MacOSX Linux

via golang:

$ go get -u github.com/kcmerrill/po