
Cron job + ETL Stage Monitor

Primary LanguageGo

Build Status


A simple Cron job || ETL Stage Monitor.


A simple webserver designed to alert you when cron jobs fail, or when long running multi phased ETL processes fail to complete.

For more information RTFM.

Quick Start

$ tracer --bind --panic "echo {{ .Name }} was not seen in the expected duration of {{ .Duration }}"

Sample Usage

# crontab
0 5,17 * * * http http://localhost:8080/my.script/12h; /scripts/script.sh && http http://localhost:8080/my.script

* * * * *  http http://localhost:8080/job.every.minute/1m < /panic/job.every.minute; /scripts/script.sh && http http://localhost:8080/job.every.minute

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