Eosfinex Custody Smart Contract

This is the eosfinex custody contract for production deployment on the EOS mainnet. The contract test cases and audit has been done by EOS Argentina. Many thanks to them for their hard work and dedication to the EOS community.

Build & deploy

After cloning this repository, running the following commands would build and deploy the contract to the account eosfinexeos1. The contract can be built with eosio.cdt version 1.7.0-1. Please note that you may need to deploy the handmade eosfinex.abi included in this repo and not the version generated by eosio-cpp.

cd eosfinex-custody-contract
cleos -u https://api.eosfinex.com set contract eosfinexeos1 . eosfinex.wasm eosfinex.abi

Build contracts for tesing

cd eosfinex-custody-contract
rm -f eosfinex.wasm eosfinex.abi

Build & run tests

cd eosfinex-custody-contract
mkdir -p tests/build
cd tests/build
cmake -DCONTRACTS_BUILD_FOLDER=/path/to/eosio.contracts/build ..
