Spam Patriot

Table of Contents


This project is designed in ~1hr as a response to a scam that someone was sent that we (a small group of Hack Clubers) wanted to shut down.


Basically how this project works is it creates a new thread every so many milliseconds (configurable) and sends a request to the specified URL with random data generated with the faker library.

Fake data generated:

With the base config straight out of this repo, it will spam with a set of random, fake data. Here's a summary of each key-value pair:

  • 'murmur': A random string of 32 lowercase letters and digits.
  • 'uid': A random integer between 1 and 100,000.
  • 'first_name': A fake first name generated by the faker library.
  • 'last_name': A fake last name generated by the faker library.
  • 'phone': A fake phone number generated by the faker library.
  • 'email': A fake email address generated by the faker library.
  • 'address': A fake address generated by the faker library.
  • 'city': A fake city name generated by the faker library.
  • 'zip': A fake zip code generated by the faker library.
  • 'state': A fake state abbreviation generated by the faker library.


To adapt this to your target you will need to modify the following:

  1. The data fields; change the keys to be the keys of the target api and the data to be the correct faker values (line 26:

    random_data = {
        'murmur': ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=32)),
        'uid': str(random.randint(1, 100000)),
        'first_name': fake.first_name(),
        'last_name': fake.last_name(),
        'phone': fake.phone_number(),
        'address': fake.address(),
        'zip': fake.zipcode(),
        'state': fake.state_abbr()  # You can modify this according to your needs
  2. The correct URL (line 11:

    url = ''
  3. Any URL parameters that need to be randomized (line 42:

    urlwithnum =  url + str(random.randint(1000000000000, 9999999999999))
  4. Set running mode; the first paramter is the spam count; second is whether to run in infinite mode (first param wouldn't matter then) or not; time between thread creation; and time between batch of 100 threads (line 122:

    spamRequests(10000, False, 0.05, 3)
  5. Download a list of socks5 proxies in .txt single line format and save as socks5_proxies.txt (optional, it works without this.)


To run you will need the following packages: random, requests, string, threading, time, signal, PySocks, and faker. Most of these should come pre installed with python except for faker and PySocks which can be installed with: bash pip3 install faker PySocks