Opsy Person who does go, gRPC, kubernetes and linux. Ex @LIFX, @Aconex
Melbourne Australia
kcollasarundell's Following
- ahmetb@linkedin
- andrewjeffreeSydney, Australia
- arichtmanSilverRail
- arschlesOpenAI
- aurae-runtime
- benwiggins@annaliseai
- CarlCamitMelbourne, Australia
- chris-shortAmazon Web Services
- codeninja55@annaliseai
- dandersonCanada
- DCtheGeekMicrosoft
- delfickMelbourne, Australia
- dntjLIFX
- endocrimesFermyon Technologies
- estahn@schneider-electric
- googleforgames
- gugahoi@joinflux
- IdaRahnamaAustralia
- jamestelfer@CultureAmp
- jenesiaf
- justaugustus@cisco-open
- JustinBeckwith@discord
- kaniini@chainguard-dev
- LachlanNewman
- LappleAppleDE
- lasith-kgReece Group
- lycheeverse
- peterbourgonBerlin
- puckpuck@honeycombio
- RainofTerra@honeycombio
- sigstoreUnited States of America
- skurhseMinneapolis, USA
- stamblerre@google @golang
- TimBanks@dell
- to-json@HelloFax
- tomnomnomsbtUK