Extended Environments

An "Extended Environment" is a reinforcement learning environment which is aware of the source-code of whatever agent is interacting with it. This enables the environment to simulate the agent and use the results of such simulations as part of how it determines which rewards and observations to send to the agent. Although this is a departure from traditional RL environments (which are not able to simulate agents), nevertheless, a traditional RL agent does not require any extension in order to interact with an Extended Environment. Thus, Extended Environments can be used to benchmark RL agents in ways that traditional RL environments cannot.

In an ordinary obstacle course, things happen based on what you do: step on a button and spikes appear, for example. Imagine an obstacle course where things happen based on what you would hypothetically do: enter a room with no button and spikes appear if you would step on the button if there hypothetically were one. Such an environment would be impossible to stage for a human participant because it is impossible to determine what a human would hypothetically do in some counterfactual scenario. But if instead of a human we allow an AI participant to enter the environment, then the environment can indeed determine what the AI participant would do in hypothetical scenarios, provided the environment is made aware of the AI's source-code.

By basing rewards on what the agent would hypothetically do, it is possible for an Extended Environment to incentivize tasks that seemingly require some degree of self-awareness. For example, the environment can reward the agent for acting exactly as the agent would act if the agent was always given reward 0. If the agent does not so act, the environment can punish the agent. This is possible because the environment is able to give the agent all-0 rewards in a simulation in order to determine what action the agent would take in response. Thus, paradoxically, an Extended Environment can "reward the agent for ignoring rewards". This incentivizes the agent to self-reflect and ask itself: "Although in reality I have been given positive and negative rewards in this environment, what action would I take if I had instead always received zero reward?" This seems to require a degree of self-awareness.

We hope that by running various RL agents against a battery of Extended Environments that incentivize various types of self-awareness, it will be possible to empirically measure to what degree said agent is self-aware.


This Library of Extended Environments is still in very active development and has not yet been announced to the world. At this stage, it is probably still a ways away from what it will ultimately look like. In short, this library is Under Construction.