A framerate meter that clicks like a Geiger counter when your animation drops a frame
- billytoCopenhagen
- clokey
- coolbeetChowbus
- cyanwareCYANware Software Solutions
- dmakarenkoGoodNotes
- dusiex-Slack, ex-Kickstarter
- flightblogDurham, NC
- frumin
- genadyo
- haldunBerlin, Germany
- heracekfreelance iOS and Web developer
- hollanceAudio developer
- IanLuo
- JamilGamma.io
- jfradjFreelance
- lexrusMiHoYo.com
- lukewar@github @msftberlin @6wunderkinder
- malinois
- MarioBajrEF - Education First
- martinrybakVery Good Ventures
- myell0wIdeasOnCanvas GmbH
- nestorlafonBarcelona
- njdehoogAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- notjoshBerlin, Germany
- nwestDetroit, Michigan
- objcguy
- paweldudek@toptal
- pluKleinanzeigen
- raulreaSouthern California
- remmah
- rperonParis, France
- sergiou87@github
- stefanceriu
- stepanhrudaMeta
- stuartjmoore@at_underscore
- zats@facebook