
This is a basic template of Webpack configuration for React.

🔨 Built with

  • webpack

🏭 Content

  1. Webpack
  2. Sass-loader
  3. Html-Webpack-plguin
  4. Mini-Css-Extract-Plugin
  5. Css-Minimizer-Webpack-Plugin
  6. React

📖 👷 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the repository page.
  2. Click on the "Code" button and copy the HTTPS link.
  3. Clone the repository: git clone <you_repository_link>.
  4. Move to the local project: cd <Your_repository_name>.
  5. run npm install.

📝 Pre-requisites?

  1. Install node-js

🚀 How to use it?

  1. Click on Use this template.
  2. Choose a name for your repo.
  3. Click on "Create repository from template".
  4. Clone your new repository: git clone <you_repository_link>
  5. Move to your local repository: cd <Your_repository_name>.
  6. run npm install

⁉️ How It works?

  1. follow the steps on the "How to use it?" section,
  2. run npm run dev.
  3. run npm run build.
  4. It will open a basic project using react hooks. 4.1 You can enjoy the jokes or start working on your project 😁.

👀 Observation

  • This template is configured to avoid using import React from 'react'.
  • It is only necessary to import the ReactDOM and hooks if necessary.

👤 Author

👤 Kenvin Cotrina

✋ ✋ Contributions

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

💪 Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

❕ Acknowledgment

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.