This repository holds various examples of R functions and workflow configurations for FaaSr that can serve as templates/starting points for new users
Make sure you have:
- FaaSr and dependences installed
- minioclient installed
- a GitHub account and PAT token configured
Please check the FaaSr tutorial for more detailed steps on how to do this
Within each folder, you will find the following files (substitute example in the instructions below appropriately to the example you're working on)
- R functions (each function in one .R file) that implement each FaaSr function
- an example.json configuration file that describes the workflow
- a template env file that has Minio Play S3 test credentials pre-configured, and a template for you to enter your GitHub PAT token
- Clone this FaaSr-examples repository to your Rstudio session
- Change into the example folder you want to execute
- Edit example.json and substitute <<YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME>> with your github account name (e.g. "johndoe")
- Edit env and substitute <> withy your PAT (e.g. "ghp_XXX.....XXX")
- Load the workflow configuration and credentials:
example <- faasr(json_path="example.json", env="env")
- register the workflow:
- invoke the workflow:
Each example will have its own specific folder/file names; please refer to the example-specific READMEs for more information
If you'd rather use your own S3 bucket:
- Edit your example.json (with a text editor, or the FaaSr workflow builder) to configure your S3 bucket as a data server, e.g.
"DataStores": {
"My_Private_Bucket": {
"Endpoint": "your_endpoint",
"Bucket": "your_bucket",
"Region": "",
"Writable": "TRUE"
- Edit your env file to enter the corresponding S3 bucket credentials: