
In-progress conversion of APEX Calculus to PreTeXt

Primary LanguageXSLT

APEX Calculus, PreTeXt edition

This repository contains the source code for the APEX Calculus textbook.

APEX Calculus was originally written in LaTeX; this version of the book uses https://pretextbook.org.

To build the book, use of the PreTeXt CLI is recommended.

Preparation for generating APEX Calculus from source:

Software requirements:

  • a recent LaTeX distribution
  • Sage
  • Python (version 3.8 or later)
  • the PreTeXt CLI (do pip install pretextbook)
  • pdf2svg
  • ImageMagick and pageres (installed as pageres-cli using node.js and npm) are recommended but not neeeded at this time

Note that Asymptote compilation is done remotely, so Asymptote does not need to be installed locally.


  • In publication/publication.ptx, change the baseurl to the URL where your copy will be hosted, and set the webwork server to your local server.
  • If you wish to set a custom stylesheet, place it in the style folder, and add <xsl>style/custom-style.xsl</xsl> tags to the appropriate targets in the project.ptx file, where you should of course replace custom-style.xsl with whatever you named your style file.
  • You can also use <xsl>...</xsl> tags in project.ptx to point to a newer version of one of the PreTeXt XSL files than the one that ships with the CLI. (This is not officially supported, so use with caution.)

To build HTML, run pretext build html -g for your first run. The -g option generates all images and WeBWorK representations. If you haven't made any changes to these, you can use pretext build html on subsequent builds to speed up the process.

You can also generate individual components. Run pretext generate --help for suggestions on what is possible. For example, to build only Asymptote images for HTML, you can run pretext generate -t html asymptote.

To build a version without videos, run pretext build html-novideo

To build PDF, run pretext build latex, or pretext build latex -g if you need to build images or WeBWorK exercises.

The following variations are also available:

  • pretext build latex-novideo: omit videos
  • pretext build latex-print: black and white, for print on demand
  • pretext build latex-print-novideo: black and white, with no videos

Do not build PDF directly. APEX Calculus places figures in the margins in PDF. Unfortunately, we do not currently have a mechanism for setting the vertical placement of margin figures in the PreTeXt source, so these have to be adjusted by hand. Look in the LaTeX source for occurrences of \listmarginbox, \parmarginbox and \tcbmarginbox. Each such environment ends with either {0pt} or {-1cm}.

These values can be adjusted to ensure that items in the margins do not overlap. It is unfortunately a rather tedious process at the moment.

At this time, EPUB generation is not fully supported.