
Rentalog || Free Rent Management Web App For Landlords. With Rentalog, landlords can keep track of important information about their renters, including their names, addresses, and rental payment history.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Rentalog - Rent Management Web App For Landlords 🏠

Rentalog is a user-friendly web application designed to simplify the management of rental properties for landlords. With Rentalog, landlords can effortlessly keep track of crucial tenant information, such as names, addresses, and rental payment history. This data is securely and neatly organized, ensuring landlords have easy access whenever they need it.

In addition to tenant management, Rentalog streamlines rent collection, making it a breeze for landlords to keep tabs on monthly payments. This enables landlords to maintain a clear understanding of their rental income, facilitating informed business decisions.

🚀 Features

  • Tenant Management 💼: Seamlessly organize tenant details, including names, addresses, and rental payment history.
  • Rent Collection 💸: Collect and monitor monthly rent payments with ease.
  • Rent Calculations 📊: Automatically calculate total monthly rent received and view payment breakdowns.
  • Property Listing 🏘️: Showcase your rental properties and attract potential tenants through Rentalog listings.
  • User-friendly Interface 🧑🏻‍🦳: Intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface for quick access to information.
  • Dedicated Support Team 📲: Reach out to Rentalog's support team for assistance and guidance.

📦 Current Version Tech Stack

Rentalog is built using the following technologies:

  • React ⚛️
  • Tailwind 🎨
  • Node.js ⚙️
  • Express.js 🚀
  • Embedded JavaScript (EJS) 🌐
  • MongoDB 📦
  • Mongoose 📦
  • Passport.js 🔐

🛠️ Migration to React.js and Next.js

We are now seeking contributions for the migration of Rentalog's tech stack to React.js and Next.js. This migration offers several advantages:

  • Performance Boost 🚀: React.js enables efficient rendering and updates, resulting in a snappier and more responsive user interface.
  • Enhanced User Experience 🌟: Interactive components can be built, providing a seamless and engaging user experience.
  • Code Maintainability 🔧: React.js promotes a component-based architecture, making the codebase modular, reusable, and easier to maintain.
  • Server-side Rendering 🌐: Next.js introduces server-side rendering, leading to faster initial page loads and improved SEO.
  • Scalable State Management 📈: React.js, combined with libraries like Redux or React Context, offers efficient state management.
  • Rich Ecosystem ⚙️: Migration opens up a vast ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community support for future development and enhancements.

🤝 How to Contribute

We welcome contributions from the open-source community to assist with the migration. Here's how you can get involved:

Found an issue on our app?

Raise an issue: You can raise an issue for that. And our smart contributers will fix that issue for you.

Have a feature idea in your mind?

You can propose a feature by raising an issue. But before that make sure the feature isn't proposed already in OPEN or CLOSED issues.

Want to contribute by coding?

  1. Fork: Star the repository and then fork the repository by clicking the "Fork" button in the upper right corner of this page.
  2. Clone: your forked repository to your local machine:
    git clone https://github.com/your-username/Rentalog-Rent-Management-Web-App-For-Landlords.git
  3. Enter the source directory:
  4. cd Rentalog-Rent-Management-Web-App-For-Landlords
  5. Install project dependencies:
  6.  npm install
  7. Add the changes you made You could either use this to add all the changes you made
    git add .
    or, you could specify the files you want to include in the commit
    git add file1 file2
  8. Create a new branch for your contribution:
    git checkout -b your-branch-name
  9. Begin migrating components and features to React.js and Next.js, adhering to best practices and code conventions.
  10. Start Development Server: To test your changes locally to ensure they function correctly.
    npm run dev
  11. Commit: your changes with descriptive commit messages:
    git commit -m "Commit message"
  12. Push: your changes to your forked repository:
    git push origin your-branch-name
  13. Open a PR: to the main branch of this repository.

Once your pull request is submitted, it will be reviewed by the project maintainers. Feedback and suggestions for further improvements may be provided. Thank you for contributing to the migration of Rentalog's tech stack to React.js and Next.js!

🔗 Inspiration Links

  • Figma Design: Explore the Figma design for the new version of Rentalog here.

  • Current Tech Stack: To explore the current tech stack used in the older version of Rentalog, visit Rentalog.in. Use its functionality as a reference while migrating to React.js and Next.js.

  • Rentalog Demo Account Credentials:

  • Username: demo@rentalog.in

  • Password: @1a2b3c4d5E

📄 License

Rentalog is released under the MIT License. By contributing to this project, you agree to provide your contributions under the same license.

✨ Contributors

All Thanks to our contributors 💙

GitHub Contributors

Feel free to join our team and contribute to making Rentalog even better! 🚀