
An app which entertains a user in a 5 minute break

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A responsive app for an individual who seeks 5 minute entertainment by a video, a song or news headlines. Your daily 5 minutes is a collaborative project of four developers.


the slogan for daily 5 minutes

User Story

As a busy person who has some free time available now, I would like to be able to quickly find an entertainment option amongst media presented on a site when I take a break from my current work.

Acceptance Criteria

  • WHEN I first visit the site
    THEN I am presented with a choice of video, music or news
    THEN I am presented with a list of interests that will filter my results.

  • WHEN I click on the preferences buttons
    THEN I can change my media type
    THEN I can change my interests

  • WHEN I select my selection of results
    THEN I am presented with card previews of my entertainment results

  • WHEN I view the youtube card
    THEN I see a thumbnail of the top recommended video (5 min max) matching my preferences

  • WHEN I click on Video result
    THEN I am able to view a video

  • WHEN I view the news card
    THEN I see the preview of the top news headline matching my preferences

  • WHEN I click on the news card
    THEN I am able to view a list news article headlines

  • WHEN I click on a headline
    THEN I am able to read the news article for that headline

  • WHEN I view the music card
    THEN I am presented with the ability to preview the first recommended song in a web playback

  • WHEN I revisit the site
    THEN I am able to bypass setting up preferences, as they have been memorised within each feature and I have a freedom to reset them anytime.

Initial wireframes/ideas

wireframe1 for the project

wireframe2 for the project

Plan refinement

In the course of the app development, we have decided to remove the fun fact feature, as its value in substantiating our app is much lower than news, music and video.

Final implementation

Your daily 5 minutes screenshot 2

Your daily 5 minutes screenshot 1

Your daily 5 minutes screenshot 3

Media access instructions

As a frontend app without the backend support, to protect API keys and or auth tokens from exposing to the public, we utilise local storage.

  • Music: You will need to generate a spotify API key to enable the Music functionality. In order to do this, you will need a spotify account and get to: https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications
    From there, create a new app and generate a base64 encoded string of in the format of client_id:client_secret. Add this to the Demo Settings page. In addition, in test mode only whitelisted users are allowed for API calls to be made on, this means if you are testing in test mode, you will need to whitelist any spotify accounts you are testing on that is not the account you generated the app on. You can whitelist users within the "Users and access" section of your app's dashboard.
  • News: The API key for the newsAPI can be obtained by filling in the registration form at https://newsapi.org/register. Please note that the newsAPI does not work with subdomains. For the best experience, please clone the project and use the App in the development mode from the local machine.
  • Video: To access video, the user must have a valid youtube api key. To apply for youtube API, the user is required to have an account on the Google cloud platform and a named project associated with Youtube Data API v3. API key can be generated under credentials.

Technologies used

  • Third party APIs (NewsAPI, Spotify, YouTube)
  • HTML5, CSS3
  • Javacript, jQuery, anime.js, spotify webplayer SDK, SELECT2