
Kick start your Open Source by making your personalized profile card

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Hack. Start. Learn.

Generate/Make your own contributor profile.

made-by-acm license GitHub last commit GitHub repo size GitHub forks GitHub stars

GitHub Hacktoberfest combined status

Get started with your Open Source Journey by making your very own personalized profile card.


To take part in the development of this project, refer the github projects board. We have setup beginner level issues, and labelled them as well ! Feel free to claim any issue (or open a new one) and contribute to the development of the project.

Submitting a Pull Request

  • Fork the repository by clicking the fork button on top right corner of the page
  • Clone the target repository. To clone, click on the clone button and copy the https address. Then run
git clone [HTTPS-ADDRESS]
  • Go to the cloned directory by running
  • Create a new branch. Use
 git checkout -b [YOUR-BRANCH-NAME]
  • Make your changes to the code. Add changes to your branch by using
git add .
  • Commit the chanes by executing
git commit -m "your msg"
  • Push to remote. To do this, run
git push origin [YOUR-BRANCH-NAME]
  • Create a pull request. Go to the target repository and click on the "Compare & pull request" button. Make sure your PR description mentions which issues you're solving.
  • Wait for your request to be accepted.

Guidelines for Pull Request

  • Avoid pull requests that :
    • are automated or scripted
    • that are plagarized from someone else's branch
  • Do not spam
  • Project maintainer's decision on validity of PR is final.

For additional guidelines, refer to participation rules

-domain specific guidelines here-


To setup project locally, fork the repository.

Hackers !