
Downloads all file links recursively inside the site domain

Primary LanguageC#

Download All Files on a Web Site

Downloads all file links inside the site domain. Starts on a page and follows all links recursively. Creates the same folder structure on disk. Uses HtmlAgilityPack nuget package to parse link hrefs on the pages.

I wrote and tested this small program to download all books and documents hosted under https://doc.lagout.org

It downloads files simultaneously up to 8 jobs in parallel. It also deletes unsuccessful downloads (like an incomplete file due to timeout), and it won't download a file again if it exists on disk.

So you can run it several times, it won't try a full site download, it will only download the files missing on disk.

You can change the following values to download from another site domain, start from another home page, change the root disk location for downloads, limit the size of files to download, and limit number of parallel download jobs:

static string baseUrl = @"https://doc.lagout.org/";
static string startingPageUrl = @"https://doc.lagout.org/";
static string baseDiskPath = @"e:\o";
static long maxFileSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 2;//max half GB
static int maxParallelDownloads = 8;

I've also placed some file extensions and folder names which I don't want to download, inside ShouldSkipUrl(). You can change or remove them.