
Compiler for stripped down version of C written in C++

Primary LanguageCMake


This project uses cmake and requires version 3.7


Install cmake

$ brew install cmake

Create Xcode project with cmake

$ mkdir Xcode
$ cd Xcode
$ cmake .. -GXcode

Build & Run

Open the Xcode project and run the SimpleCompiler Scheme


Install cmake

$ apt-get purge cmake
$ wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.8/cmake-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ tar xzf cmake-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ cd cmake-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64
$ sudo cp -r bin /usr/local/
$ sudo cp -r doc /usr/local/share/
$ sudo cp -r man /usr/local/share/
$ sudo cp -r share /usr/local/
$ cd ..
$ rm -Rf cmake-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64
$ rm cmake-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ cmake --version

Create Makefile with cmake

$ mkdir Make
$ cd Make
$ cmake ..

Build & Run

$ make
$ SimpleCompiler <filename>
$ SimpleCompiler test


TODO: Need to figure out how install goes on Windows

Install cmake

Windows installer can be found at https://cmake.org/download/

Create Visual Studio Project project with cmake


Build & Run

Open Visual Studio Project and run