This project has a few parts, all of which are designed to help me curate the Labelled and Balanced Gutenberg Bookset (LabGub).
A little library to parse some common metadata from RDF metadata files in Project Gutenberg books.
scriptsSeveral scripts to prune books from a collection of Project Gutenberg books. For these to work, it is assumed that the book collection is structured like so:
collection ├── 9043 │ ├── pg9043.rdf │ └── pg9043.txt.utf8 ├── 9044 │ ├── pg9044.rdf │ └── pg9044.txt.utf8 ├── 9045 │ ├── pg9045.rdf │ └── pg9045.txt.utf8 ├── 9046 │ ├── pg9046.rdf │ └── pg9046.txt.utf8 └── 9047 ├── pg9047.rdf └── pg9047.txt.utf8
They are used by passing the RDF files as command line arguments. The results are logged in detail.
$ python collection/*/*.rdf Processing 60 meta files... Removing SA /mnt/c/Users/kdbanman/Dev/gutenparse/tiny/9000 Removing DE /mnt/c/Users/kdbanman/Dev/gutenparse/tiny/9046 Removing DE /mnt/c/Users/kdbanman/Dev/gutenparse/tiny/9049 Removing FR /mnt/c/Users/kdbanman/Dev/gutenparse/tiny/9053 Removing DE /mnt/c/Users/kdbanman/Dev/gutenparse/tiny/9058 Removing DE /mnt/c/Users/kdbanman/Dev/gutenparse/tiny/9066 Removing FI /mnt/c/Users/kdbanman/Dev/gutenparse/tiny/9082 Removing DE /mnt/c/Users/kdbanman/Dev/gutenparse/tiny/9083 Non-English languages encountered during removal: DE (5) FI (1) SA (1) FR (1) Removed 8 books.
These scripts are destructive, and you are responsible for your own backups. If you're scared, pass
as the last parameter to do a dry run where nothing is actually deleted.$ python collection/*/*.rdf --dry
A final analysis script designed to log some aggregate stats and save a CSV containing labels for each book.
balance lcc subjects
- could get clever
- parse out single letters. might not need to, or might be a bad idea. (currently doing this though)
- remove specifics. (EX: E456)
- might be best to just leave codes as-is and
- remove under-represented
- trim over-represented
- could get clever
balance author birth years
- don't need to get perfect uniform distribution over years
- must truncate distribution tails
- might need to trim over-represented decades
subject and birth year might not be independent, so pruned distribution might be order dependent. hopefully not much.
license and headers
perform prune and balance
- make sure original is backed up safely
- totally different directory
- readonly permissions for all users
- run each processor script
- write a sentence or two saying why this script now
- run script and pipe to log file
python previous_step/*/*.rdf > current_step_log.txt 2>&1 &
- copy log down to local machine
scp lstm-server:data/big_drive/prunes/current_step_log.txt ./
- rename mutated directory
mv previous_step current_step
- back up processed dir with
tar -czf current_step.tar.gz current_step
- run analysis script
- make sure original is backed up safely
actual progress
- english_only
- labelled_english_only
- single_author_labelled_english_only
- balanced_subject_single_author_labelled_english_only
- balanced_birth_year_and_subject_single_author_labelled_english_only