
Front End Engineering Resources Collections

MIT LicenseMIT

Front End Team Starter Kit


This is Front End Engineering Resource Document for NOE(New Onboard Engineer).

Getting Started

  1. Setup your Editor enviroment(If you want to use other tools like vim, atom. It's fine.) SublimeSublime Babel PluginHTML-CSS-JS PrettifyESLint
  2. Setup NVMNode、NPM、Webpack、React、React-DOMGulp
  3. Setup Git、Gitlab (If you are not familiar with git/githlab/github, please check the Learning Resources.)
  4. If you are not familiar with React, try this
  5. We have some old tasks use Angular and jQuery. If you want to pick some skills about Angular. Please check Shaping up with Angular.js Play Course for Free.

Coding Convenstion

Ref.Front-end Code Standards

About React ES6 standards. React.createClass versus extends React.Component

Learning Resources

Development Language

CSS Preprocessor


CSS Framework

Task Runner


Package Management

Version Control


  • Yeoman


  • Mocha
  • Jasamin

UI Pattern

Design Pattern

  1. 4 JavaScript Design Patterns You Should Know
  2. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns