pd.date_range(DATE_START, periods=DATE_DELTA.days, freq="D").tolist()
# increase font size
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
# make bounding box tight
plt.savefig('report.png', bbox_inches='tight')
# rotate axis
df_m.plot(x='split', y=["total", "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE"], figsize=(32, 18), grid=True, kind="bar", rot=0)
# Within each team we are grouping based on "Position"
gkk = daf.groupby(['Team', 'Position'])
# Print the first value in each group
df = df.DataFrame([], columns=["name", "P_accuracy", "N_accuracy"])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath)
df.plot(x='epoch', y=["series1", "series2"], figsize=(32, 18), grid=True, color=["red","green"])
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.ROOT, 'report.pdf'))
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.ROOT, 'report.png'))
list = df.columns
df["ma"] = df.rolling(window=10)['column'].mean()
# then plot it
# set new limit
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1_000_000)
# reset limit
10090723 not in self.df.index.values
for index, row in df.iterrows():
print(index, row)
#string value
# numerical
# accending
df.sort_values(by=['Brand'], inplace=True)
# descending
df.sort_values(by=['Brand'], inplace=True, ascending=False)
# with default value
df["new_column"] = None
# with data
df['capital city'] = ['Rome','Madrid','Athens','Paris','Lisbon']
dfnew = df.rename(columns={'old_name': 'new_name'})
# Delete using del
del df['column_to_remove']
# Delete using drop()
df = df.drop(['column_to_remove'], axis=1)
# Update column 'name' at index 0
df.loc[0,'name'] = 123
# get all where 'val' > 55.00
df.loc[df['val'] > 55.00]
# get nth where 'val' > 55.00 - returns row only not array of length=1
df.loc[df['val'] > 55.00].iloc[0]
# get top 1 row - returns array of rows of length=1
df.loc[df['val'] > 55.00].head(1)
# get top n rows - returns array of rows
df.loc[df['val'] > 55.00].head(5)
# comparison operators
df.loc[df['val'] > 55.00].head(5)
df.loc[df['val'] == 55.00].head(5)
df.loc[df['val'] != 55.00].head(5)
#check for None
#check for NOT None
# logical - combine
df.loc[(df['val'] >= 0) & (df['column_name'] <= 101)]
TEXT = data.Field(tokenize='spacy')
# example with lambda across LABEL values
LABEL = data.LabelField(preprocessing=data.Pipeline(lambda x: pro_proc(x)))
FIELDS = {'title': ('text', TEXT), 'change_prc': ('label', LABEL)}
def create_dataset(dataframe,text_column,label_column, TEXT_FIELD, LABEL_FIELD):
# idData pair training is useless during training, use None to specify its corresponding field
fields = [(text_column, TEXT_FIELD), (label_column, LABEL_FIELD)]
examples = []
for text, label in tqdm(zip(dataframe[text_column], dataframe[label_column])):
examples.append(data.Example.fromlist([text, label], fields))
return examples, fields
# use as
train_examples, train_fields = create_dataset(dataFrame,"title","change_prc", TEXT, LABEL)
train = data.Dataset(train_examples, FIELDS)