
Artistic Hobby is an online community for artists, students, hobbyists and small investors that will help to collaborate on a project and successfully turned into a business, and build their careers.

Artistic Hobby - Project Collaboration Platform

Play Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.artistic_hobby
BitBucket - https://bitbucket.org/kdsingh01/artistic-hobby-project-collaboration-platform | Actual code is hosted on bitbucket

About Artistic Hobby

Artistic Hobby is an online community for artists, students, hobbyists and small investors that will help to collaborate on a project and successfully turned into a business, and build their careers. Artistic Hobby would push innovation in all domains by merging arts, entertainment field with technical expertise. It’s all about connecting creative and ambitious minds with the necessary tools to foster collaboration in the arts through technology.

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