

Primary LanguageC++

About this project

An open source food ordering program designed for Chinese schools.

Project structure

This project is based on QT, an open source and cross platform graphical library.
It is developed on Archlinux. It works on all GNU/Linux distributions. Not tested on Windows and Macos.



Client program to order foods. It should be run on the computer in a classroom. It should compile and work on all platforms.


Proram to run on the server to edit food list and view orders uploaded form multiple clients.

Building and testing

Only tested on GNU/Linux.


openssh (binary)
sshpass (binary)

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/kde-yyds/smartcanteen
cd smartcanteen

Build the server program

cd smartcanteen/smartcanteen-server
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j16
sudo make install

Build the client program

cd ../../smartcanteen-client
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j16
sudo make install


see comments in smartcanteen-server/path.h