
👨‍💻 GitHub profile and short bio


My name is Kevin Deldycke, I'm a high-tech Engineering Manager.

Short Bio

I've held various positions in several industries and sectors as VP, Product Manager, Founding Engineer and Consultant.

After 15+ years of relevant engineering work, and 3+ years of hands-on management experience, I now build teams from scratch with self-sustaining culture, and my intent is to keep doing so.

Enabling engineers, leading managers, and make them feel productive is the most impactful thing I can bring to the table. So I'm always on the lookout for a high-tech management position, at a fast growing start-up with ambitious vision.

My most relevant experience was in growing a team from 0 to 12 at a world-class cloud computing provider. We built up the whole IAM ecosystem, as well as the Billing and Payment stack.


