

  1. Circular input objects? Do we want that? (use Newtype if we want)
  2. Subscriptions


How to install

npm install "git+https://github.com/purescript-graphqlclient/purescript-graphqlclient#COMMIT_HASH"
# or
yarn add "git+https://github.com/purescript-graphqlclient/purescript-graphqlclient#COMMIT_HASH"

How to run generator

purescript-graphqlclient-generator --input-url … --output … --api … --custom-scalars-module …

Requirements on the $PATH to build (should be installed globally)

  • purescript: ~0.14.0
  • spago: ~0.20.0

How to bundle a new build

yarn generator:bundle
# test with
node bin/purescript-graphqlclient-generator --help

How to regenerate examples

spago install
spago --config generator-spago.dhall install
spago --config examples-spago.dhall install

# How to create "Personal access tokens"
# 1. (optional) check https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/guides/forming-calls-with-graphql#authenticating-with-graphql
# 2. go to https://github.com/settings/tokens
# 3. create with only "public repos" permissions and name "ps-graphqlclient"


yarn run examples:test --watch
git push

How to run generator from source

yarn install

# check ./regenerate-examples.sh file
spago --config generator-spago.dhall run \
  --main GraphQLClientGenerator.Main \
  --node-args "--help"

How to run tests locally

yarn install
spago install
spago --config generator-spago.dhall install
spago --config examples-spago.dhall install