
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A plugin that lets developers leverage pytest to run/test Jupyter Notebooks, with some included batteries for getting started.

$ pytest notebooks/ --verbose
================================= test session starts ==================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.18, pytest-7.4.3, pluggy-1.3.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
rootdir: /home/user/Documents/git-repository
plugins: iovis-0.1.0
collected 5 items

notebooks/bar.ipynb::test_notebook_runs PASSED                                    [1/5]
notebooks/baz.ipynb::test_notebook_runs PASSED                                    [2/5]
notebooks/foo.ipynb::test_produces_expected_output PASSED                         [3/5]
notebooks/foo.ipynb::TestMetadata::test_extra_metadata_removed PASSED             [4/5]
notebooks/foo.ipynb::TestMetadata::test_kernelspec_in_allowlist PASSED            [5/5]

================================== 5 passed in 2.63s ===================================


  • Jupyter Notebooks are automatically discovered and run test functions that are user-configurable with directory specific conftest.py files.

Miscellaneous features that help provide a batteries-included experience:

  • A plugin provided default test function that uses papermill to run collected notebooks. This feature is optional and can be enabled by installing the [papermill] extra when installing pytest-iovis.
  • A venv fixture which activates a test-specific virtual environment which has access to all packages from the host environment. Useful when running notebooks that target ipykernel that may try to install packages.


You can install "pytest-iovis" with its default notebook runner via:

pip install 'pytest-iovis[papermill] @ git+https://github.com/kdestin/pytest-iovis.git'

If the bundled runner is not needed:

pip install 'pytest-iovis @ git+https://github.com/kdestin/pytest-iovis.git'

Note: Installing pytest-iovis does not install any kernels for running notebooks. Users should install notebook kernels separately (e.g. pip install ipykernel).

Getting Started

See docs/getting-started.md.


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for instructions on how to contribute.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.

Related Projects

  • testbook is a unit testing framework extension for testing code in Jupyter Notebooks. It enables the execution and unit testing of code without needing to modify the Jupyter Notebook itself, so that unit tests can be written using unittest, pytest, or another unit testing framework.

    testbook and pytest-iovis have orthogonal goals, but happen to compliment each other fairly well. Example:

    from testbook import testbook
    def tb(notebook_path: Path):
        with testbook(notebook_path, execute=True) as tb_obj:
            yield tb_obj
    def test_notebook(tb) -> None:
        func = tb.get("func")
        assert func(1, 2) == 3
    def pytest_iovis_set_tests():
        yield test_notebook
  • nbval is a pytest plugin that ensures that a notebook produces output matching the output stored in the notebook.

  • pytest-notebook plugin uses approval/snapshot testing to guard against regressions in notebook output.

Plugin Name

Iovis is the singular genitive case of Iuppiter.

Which is the Latin name of the Roman god Jupiter, from which the planet and Jupyter Notebooks take their namesake.