Primary LanguagePython

Graph Reduced Order Models

In this repository we implement reduced order models for cardiovascular simulations using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).

Install the virtual environment

Let us first install virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv

Then, from the root of the project:

bash create_venv.sh

This will create a virtual environment gromenv following python packages: matplotlib, vtk, scipy, dgl, torch, sigopt.

Download the data

To download the data, simply type

bash download_data.sh

in the root directory. This will automatically generate a directory graphs/vtps containing the dataset in vtp format. To inspect these files, use for example Paraview

Generate a graph

Within the directory graphs, type

python generate_graph.py $MODELNAME.vtp $MODELNAME.grph

For example,

python generate_graph.py 0063_1001 0063_1001.grph

The graph will be saved in graphs/data.

Train a GNN

Within the directory graphs, type

python training.py $MODELNAME

For example,

python training.py 0063_1001

The parameters of the trained model and hyperparameters will be saved in network/models, in a folder named as the date and time when the training was launched.

Test a GNN

Within the directory graphs, type

python tester.py $MODELNAME $NETWORKPATH

For example,

python tester.py 0063_1001 models/01.01.1990_00.00.00

This will save comparative plots in the same directory. In the example, models/01.01.1990_00.00.00 is a model generated after training (see Train a GNN).