
Templates of Quasar are really great. But I wanted to remove all the unnecessary elements for a developer who likes to develop quasar without additional components. This is my start of quasar repos.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quasar Plain Template by KDJ (quasar-plain-template)

All the templates of Quasar Framework are really great. But I wanted to remove all the unnecessary elements for a developer who likes to develop quasar without additional components. This is my start of quasar repos. All the repos with my Quasar Expereince will be updated with this template.

Anyways, this temnplates includes, Sass with indented syntax Auto Import iin-use quasar comonents and directives Vuex, Axios, Vu-i18n Yarn


Dynamic Routes (SPA, PWA, etc) Quasar Conf - vueRouterMode = history - const path and quasar-env imported .env-sample - API URL, PUBLIC URL Axios: env path ready

Future Updates

.env Support Store Basics Sample Pages

Install the dependencies


Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

quasar dev

Build the app for production

quasar build